My choice. My reaction.
Many would say that we are in no way different from two dogs copulating on the street but if that were true it would have Ser Barks A Lot the president of the US and Ser Bow-bows So Much his highness, the pope. It is our careful selection of what is wrong vs what is right that sets us apart. Basically, we have been given the brains to chose wisely. Please, respect it. My choice, i'd go out at the dead of the night with guys i met an hour ago and return home after a week spent in Vatican of which I have no clue how I got there in the first place because, wait, my choice to booze how much I can. Be it safe or not. And then one day I think that cold I have had the entire week isn't going off. Because #mychoice, I chose AIDS. Yes. Precautions are laid out for you for your own safely, for preventing what is so obviously wrong. Just so men are not sticking to theirs, you don't need to become reckless yourself.
©Ayushi Nayak
©Ayushi Nayak
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